If you arrive by the sea wall, you will have seen the mural by Maya Hayuk, a New York street artist who worked on the Kursaal building for the Triennale in 2019. Her lozenges of bright colours in flat tints swept by the wind contrast with the strict geometry of the architecture while associating it with the colourful, moving elements of the skies.

During the construction of the Frac, several works were commissioned from artists offering perspectives on the port landscape. These works offer different ways of looking at art and our history. On the facade, the pink neon sign designed by Scott King is a deliberately provocative phrase that shakes up our certainties. At night, Angela Bulloch’s installation, comprising two sequences of coloured light, reacts to the force of the wind. Offering a more immersive experience, Rainier Lericolais’ soundtrack revisits the history and sounds of Dunkirk, mixing the evocation of the Sun King and the Sex Pistols.
Inside the original industrial building, Delphine Reist has created a luminous and mechanical installation taking advantage of the presence of the bridge crane. Every hour, its automatic activation is accompanied by powerful zenithal lighting, evoking the operation of an office scanner.
Depending on the different programmes, other surprises await you inside the building, at the bend in a passage or on the Belvédère.